Cinemadivino, ciack on Gallura

At the start of the third edition of the festival that combines wine, art and territory

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The goal is the promotion of the cellars, designed not only as places of production of the wine, but also as centers of culture, bearers of a land rich in resources and potential. To allow fans the optimal use of these places of culture, it is necessary to trace paths wine tourism quality, combining the reception also the artistic component. Preconditions that ten years ago, in Emilia Romagna, was born Cinemadivino, then imported from Sardinia Wine Museum of Berchidda, who transferred to the island the same spirit of promoting the area, with the main objective of crossing regional boundaries projecting the image of Sardinia over the Tyrrhenian Sea.

To realize this program, this year, on the occasion of the third edition, part two production are particularly attentive to the important moment of acceptance in the cellar: Vigne Surrau (Arzachena), who enthusiastically joined the first edition and Tenute Olbios (Olbia) , which, with interest, adheres for the first time at the event organized and promoted by the island Enoturistika. For the success of the event, and in keeping with the spirit of the initiative, was designed also the participation of some accommodations, an important precedent that can contribute to the success of Cinemadivino support the project and to draw a road that leads preferential at the heart of the territory. All enriched by the auteur cinema that this year will involve Sandro and Mara with the screening of five films presented to the public through the use of an analog projector. After the tasting of typical products, paired with wines from the cellar guest, scents and aromas will mingle with the magic of cinema seen outdoors on a summer night.
The format provides, at 19, the visit to the winery followed by a tasting, and, at 21.30, the screening of the films in the program.

It starts Thursday, July 4, the Vigne Surrau, with the film On the Road by Walter Salles; continue Thursday, July 11, still in the Vigne Surrau The fisherman dreams of Lasse Hallstrom. Saturday, July 20, it was the turn of the Tenute Olbios with the film The cook of the president of Christian Vincent. Thursday, July 25, yet to be Surrau, with Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln. Closure at large, Wednesday, August 7, yet to be Surrau, with the film Dinner with friends by Alexandre de La Patellière and Matthieu Delaporte.

The path enoturistico will not be limited to certain winery visit and viewing of the film, but, in keeping with the spirit of the initiative, the prerogatives of the Museum and of the intentions of the promoters, will also include the promotion of the territory of Gallura. Those who wish, in fact, may, if necessary, spend the night, on particular terms for a single evening, in some facilities that have joined the initiative, limited to the duration of the event. Who will decide to take advantage of these favorable conditions, reserved, the rebranded, participants in Cinemadivino, 2013, must keep the entrance ticket and show it SIAE, along with personal documents, the reception of the following structures:

• ARZACHENA: Capriccioli residence, phone 0789.96016

Download Pdf residenza capriccioli cinemadivino2013 offerta monolocale

• Olbia: Hotel Moderno, phone 0789.50550

Download Pdf hotel Moderno proposta cinemadivino2013 pacchetto week

• ARZACHENA: B & B Surrau phone 339.6788556

Download Pdf b&b Surrau proposta cinemadivino2013

Download Pdf pernotta per cinemadivino2013 Sardegna

The organization of the event was made possible thanks to the collaboration of the Nissan Dealership Mereu of Nuoro.

Olbia, June 25, 2013

Press Office
Antonio Meloni