
The Wine Museum and the adjoining Enoteca Regionale of Sardinia, the structure created by the Mountain Community of Monte Acuto and the City of Berchidda, provides a complete business with the idea that the spread of wine culture and dell’enoturismo are important instruments for growth , development and promotion of the territory.

The museum is located in the village of Berchidda, located in the center of Logudoro Gallura and bordering the foot of Mount Limbara. A ‘alternation of hills, slopes and plains.Pastures, orchards and vineyards above: Berchidda is one of the places of production of the famous Vermentino di Gallura DOCG.

The museological approach given to this new reality is the exhibition of connection between past and future. Along the way wine-ethnography provides the visitors with information about the characteristics of different grape varieties popular in Sardinia and shown working tools for the cultivation of the vine, the grapes and bottling.

The account of material objects is complemented by a multimedia system where software and virtual images, and provides an insight into wine making in the different island.

The Museum is not only objects and virtual tour of the vineyards of Sardinia, but also taste and buy wines of Sardinia.

The fact Enoteca hosts a wide range of bottles available for tasting and sale, offering different combinations with local products.